PDF The White Shirt Find Your Peaceful and LifeGiving Career at Any Stage of Life Audible Audio Edition Michael Alan Tate Rich McVicar Morgan James Publishing Books

By Lynda Herring on Tuesday, May 21, 2019

PDF The White Shirt Find Your Peaceful and LifeGiving Career at Any Stage of Life Audible Audio Edition Michael Alan Tate Rich McVicar Morgan James Publishing Books

Product details

  • Audible Audiobook
  • Listening Length 3 hours and 9 minutes
  • Program Type Audiobook
  • Version Unabridged
  • Publisher Morgan James Publishing
  • Audible.com Release Date April 5, 2019
  • Language English, English

The White Shirt Find Your Peaceful and LifeGiving Career at Any Stage of Life Audible Audio Edition Michael Alan Tate Rich McVicar Morgan James Publishing Books Reviews

  • Tate has done an outstanding job of capturing the essence of career transition. The way he brings the key transition elements to life through this parable is captivating and effective. I love this book - I will gift this to my family, clients and friends when they are considering change and transition.
  • Fantastic book! Tate asks insightful questions that helped me reflect and realize things about myself that were extremely enlightening.
  • "The White Shirt," by Michael Alan Tate, is a short novel with a deep message -- an allegory, really. Although it's set in the Middle East in ancient times, its message is modern.
    In this book, we meet four young men about to step over into adulthood as they await the announcement of the vocations chosen for them by their parents. Although they have very different personalities, this group of best friends, Cyrus, Aaron, Gage, and Bahram, obediently begin their training as astronomers, one of the most sought-after positions in the kingdom. In spite of the riches and prestige that his new career offers, Cyrus is unhappy and feels like he is a misfit for the assignment.
    Several months later, even though he is pressured by his friends to stay with them and to follow tradition and parental direction, Cyrus runs away. Knowing he has embarrassed his family and angered the political powers in the kingdom, Cyrus stays hidden far away in a cave in the forest.
    After a time, a series of three visitors come upon the cave. Cyrus is hospitable to each of them and eventually confides in each that he has run away because he was unhappy in his appointed position. Each visitor helps Cyrus to recognize the influences on his career choice and how to refocus his decision along three key questions Who am I? Where is my place in the world? and How do I find it? Finding these answers will lead him to find the career he was meant to pursue.
    The third visitor, Darrius, guides Cyrus into an understanding of the last question, How do I find it? At Darrius's invitation, Cyrus leaves the cave and journeys with him to Jerusalem, where, armed not with a resume but with his new self-understanding, he will look for meaningful work. As Darrius tells him, "When you are guided by your reason for being, you make better decisions that lead to a peaceful career." But this search is not an easy one. There are temptations for shady shortcuts to fast riches or shirking his task altogether and letting someone else find him a job.
    The book is not a quick 1-2-3, This Is What You Do. It is a compelling narrative that challenges the reader to evaluate his own life choices and the mission he has chosen. As our workplace has evolved from the landscape of agriculture and big factories to a high-tech one of outsourcing and freelance, our approach to finding meaningful work also has to change. The author suggests that we need to circle back to our ancient roots where, instead of building a resume for a particular position, the job seeker focuses on his desires and skills and "letting his advisors create the title or job name that fits what he did."
    Following Cyrus's journey, we understand how this approach works and allows for more meaningful work. When we consider the hours and years we devote to the workplace, a search for meaning there should be a priority. The author offers a complementary website, whiteshirtbook.com, where he explains the approach in his book trailer and provides resources to assist the reader's journey.
    As we follow Cyrus on his journey, the author shows us step-by-step how to search deep inside ourselves to find out what kind of life will give us peace. He suggests finding a search partner who also wants to find his self-fulfilling path and work together, encouraging each other and serving as a soundboard for each other's ideas. The last section of the book prescribes a format for doing that. But, if a partner is not available, the book is sufficient to guide the read on his own path to discovery.
    This book would make a wonderful gift for a college student; I would suggest the Christmas of his sophomore year when he has begun seriously to narrow down his major, or at graduation when he is suddenly facing the "real" world. But it would also be helpful for any adult unhappy with his present vocation and wishing a change. That includes retirees who finally have the time to pursue their own dreams. With its Biblical references, the book would also make a good topic for a church's small-group study, especially for the college and young adult age.
    "The White Shirt" also makes for a delightful short read that could make for some long, deep, and invigorating conversations with your friends.
    Like Cyrus, we could find the answer to "What would it be like to know that you're right where you need to be, pursuing the career that you're meant to pursue?"
  • This book is such a great new approach. This is not the same book you've read over and over. Mike helps you approach your career from a modern perspective. We all know the old approaches aren't working. I love his approach to talking to people without a resume. He is so right. I tried it at a party, without even having my plan in hand, and I got a lead on a job. I didn't ask for one, but the person couldn't wait to help me. I love the parable style--so easy to read. Buy it. Try something "radical" and see how much better it feels.
  • Creative, poignant and beautifully written, The White Shirt will keep you engrossed till the very last page. Michael Tate has taken his deep knowledge and experience in career development and transferred it to tell a compelling parable. He weaves a valuable message into a brilliant story and leaves the reader with a road map to find his or her own career success. A beautiful and worthy read!
  • The White Shirt book is a quick read and very thought provoking. It provides a clear step-by-step process for anyone interested in truly finding their place in the working world today. If you find yourself wondering if you have a purpose, if you are looking for a career that is a good "Fit", this is the best thing you can do for yourself. Take four hours on a weekend and sit down with a piece of paper and this book and you will be on your way to having a strategy for a purposeful, thoughtful, next step in finding where you can make a difference. I am giving this book to several of the people that I mentor to help them along their journey! Thank you Mike Tate for the words of wisdom and the roadmap.
  • Tate writes a short story about a young man searching for his life’s work. It is a great approach to career exploration at any age or stage of life. I found it interesting from the perspective of someone a few years from retiring from my own life’s work and looking to better define my next step after the career I have had for almost 30 years. I showed the book to my 21 year old son, who is a semester away from college graduation and have not seen the book since. Years ago, in my original career search, I read a book titled What Color Is Your Parachute. The White Shirt is comparable in its usefulness in a career search. It really makes you think.
  • You may be that recent college graduate, degree in hand, but repeatedly stifled by the frustrating online job search process.
    Or you may be a baby boomer who, for the first time in your life, wants to, or has to, make a change in your career. Or just get find a decent job.

    Or maybe you are retired and wondering what purpose you have now, and going forward.Or perhaps you are a counselor, committed to those mentioned above, in finding fulfillment with their lives.
    You will benefit from the gift that is this concise, fun, easy to read parable.

    It follows the journeys of Cyrus, a young man in search of himself, and his purpose in the world. Seemingly random, chance occurrences come together to lead him to answers to his questions. And he grows up. And he finds contentment in knowing what he is meant to do with his life.

    It will help you move forward in your life in a positive way, with a simple step-wise approach that follows the parable.
    Additionally, you will most likely find joy in passing this wisdom on to others, as I have done since reading 'The White Shirt'.